Sunday, November 27, 2011


make the day
what i want? what i really want? what am i complaining about? once completing my masters, no actually before i completed my masters, i was so damn proud of it..i thought i am going to go far...may be my sin was i was so damn proud of it..yeah...may be, and my intention too. i felt like i want to show to certain people that i am a better is the sin, i knew it...
so,, Allah did not grant me my prayers to have a better career..i realize the reason is because of my first intention,, i should ask for a better career for a better reason and for a good intention..
so Allah please forgive me...


make the day
hijrah...move on..i've done lots of spiritual thinking lately, am i being tested or punished by God? in terms of career.. not a single thing runs smoothly as to what i wanted it to be.. what did i do wrong?, what sin that i've committed.?..for my selfish self, i pray for a better career after i received my masters, i despised my former career.i really hate to be just a mere someone, i want to be somebody..i want to spread my wings ...but God did not permit it,,,
people always say that things happen with a reason..yeah..i need to reevaluate my intention, not what but why i want it..

Sunday, November 20, 2011

tiz zaqyah dan remy ishak

make the day
susah bagi saya nak minat kat artis malaysia..tapi saya suka betul dengan pasangan tiz zaqyah dan remy ishak ni. semuga mereka dipertemukan jodoh bersama ye...and selamat maju jaya dalam kerjaya