Sunday, November 27, 2011


make the day
what i want? what i really want? what am i complaining about? once completing my masters, no actually before i completed my masters, i was so damn proud of it..i thought i am going to go far...may be my sin was i was so damn proud of it..yeah...may be, and my intention too. i felt like i want to show to certain people that i am a better is the sin, i knew it...
so,, Allah did not grant me my prayers to have a better career..i realize the reason is because of my first intention,, i should ask for a better career for a better reason and for a good intention..
so Allah please forgive me...


make the day
hijrah...move on..i've done lots of spiritual thinking lately, am i being tested or punished by God? in terms of career.. not a single thing runs smoothly as to what i wanted it to be.. what did i do wrong?, what sin that i've committed.?..for my selfish self, i pray for a better career after i received my masters, i despised my former career.i really hate to be just a mere someone, i want to be somebody..i want to spread my wings ...but God did not permit it,,,
people always say that things happen with a reason..yeah..i need to reevaluate my intention, not what but why i want it..

Sunday, November 20, 2011

tiz zaqyah dan remy ishak

make the day
susah bagi saya nak minat kat artis malaysia..tapi saya suka betul dengan pasangan tiz zaqyah dan remy ishak ni. semuga mereka dipertemukan jodoh bersama ye...and selamat maju jaya dalam kerjaya

Sunday, October 9, 2011

zahiah-maketheday: women and leisure

zahiah-maketheday: women and leisure: Time management : Conflict of Work and Leisure among Women of Dualroles in Malaysia ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the co...

make the day

women and leisure

Time management :
Conflict of Work and Leisure among Women of Dualroles in Malaysia
The purpose of this study is to examine the conflict of time management and patterns of leisure activities among dualroles women. The conflict was determined based on the Conflict Theory (Kenton & Penn 2009) and Work-Leisure Relationship Patterns by Parker (1971, 1976). The components of time management system studied were time log and establishment of work priority. 83 dualroles women involved in this study which consisted of 50 teachers and 33 non-teachers. The data was analyzed using descriptive (frequency and percentage) to determine the levels of time management system and the work-leisure patterns adopted by the samples. This study creates awareness and understanding of the dilemma faced by career women. Results of this study will be helpfull to dualroles women in planning their career and also organizing their time and energy in handling their dualroles. Findings of this study are valuable guidelines for the organizations in identifying problems faced by female workers and taking into account of the problems when planning development programs for them. The implication of this study is that intervention programs for female workers are critical as the number of career women is multiplying every year

Saturday, October 8, 2011

lambaian Kaabah -

musim haji datang lagi. tahun ini saya cukup terasa kerana ramai teman-teman seangkatan dan hampir sebaya usia yang dijemput Allah menjadi tetamuNya di Mekah. setiap kali itu, hati saya mengharap diri ini juga berpeluang menunaikanya. tapi hati ini bersyukur kerana jika dilihat pada senarai insyaAllah 2 tahun lagi. tapi terkejut juga kerana ramai juga teman-teman yang baru mendaftar dapat senarai untuk pergi pada tahun 2030 (ada yang berkata, kena pakai kroni lah untuk potong quie).

emm...nak pergi menyempurnakan haji pun kena pakai kroni?

kepada teman-teman yang tersenarai untuk menjadi tetamu Allah s.w.t tahun ini...selamat berangkat ke tanah suci..jaga diri dan peribadi. semuga dapat menyempurnakan haji mabrur..


zahiah-maketheday: technology leadership

zahiah-maketheday: technology leadership: technology is essential in life nowadays. at 40s i'm indeed still crawling. at this advanced world, to be an effective leader needs you no...

make the day

technology leadership

technology is essential in life nowadays. at 40s i'm indeed still crawling. at this advanced world, to be an effective leader needs you not only to possess charisma and personal strength, but u must have the ability to be vigorously robust with the technological changes , i.e: concerning information and communication technologies.

as a leader u now must have extra capability in making decision, which is u need to be competent in the ICT..and so leaders, don't be left behind. gear up, quicken the pace..don't let the novices overtake u...


the 4 series - life at 40s

it was kind of funny when i visited a doctor recently for my terrible headache. the young doc told me it was due to my blood pressure..a bit at the border. he said now i'm in the 4series..emm..if i am a car, which type i should be...perhaps the BMW..

imagine i'm that sleek dark blue BMW..i would be fancied by many. when i pass by, i would be envied or received the "wow' i want to experience that/

no, thank i'm well into the 40s, i feel really great..everything is going smoothly..the children are well, the financial part is okay..job security is established. so, what to do with life at 40? i'm no enjoying a quite life..not too fancy..apart from getting fit with my aerobic sessions, i'm trying to be closer to the Almighty, i realize that after upgrading my academic qualification, i'm a bit mellow, i see things differently..extremely patient with others, i am able to see things positively, and yes, i think i already there, i've achieved the highest level of Maslow's hierarcy of needs.. i've achieved self-actualisation.

even though, nothing change in career..i can see the changes in my learning is defined as a change in learners' behaviour, i can confirm that yes, indeed i've learnt..i've learnt to be a better person, that alone should make me a humble one.


social intelligence

there are at least two type of competencies:
a) personal competency to socialize, it depends on the type of personalities, whether an introvert or extrovert.
b) intepersonal competency - the three aspects of interpersonal competency are communication, interaction and collaboration.

social intelligence depends on your emotional intelligence.. if your social intelligence is high you are most likely to have high social intelligence.

we are as described by Tony Buzan (2002) as social animals. however the intelligence is depending on how well you adapt yourself with the social environment. it is not entirely genetics but can be learnt and influenced by the environment.

so hey there social animals..i'll write more about personal competency in the next post. until nice to other people..


reading for fun

oh..i love reading..i'm a crazy books lover.. a novel in my handbag is a must. now i'm looking only for my favourite favs are rachel gibson, susan andersen, lisa kleypas, susan elizabeth phillips, stephenie laurens, and mary balogh. i've all of their novels..

you need to spend alot for this hobby. especially me from the other side of the world a novel from US or UK costs me more than tripple..but regret..

reading is amazing! let's read


adult learner

as i'm indeed an adult learner. i just received my masters degree at the age of 42. it was sweet, having received the scrol with my 3 children. when i first got my first degree, i was pregnant with my first child.

being an adult leaner is not easy. you guys need to have determination and self-motivation, and well of course self-direction. as adult leaners you need to set your own learning pace after choosing the best learning style. normally adult learners need to share with friends as you don't have time to do things on your own.
sharing is everything..find a friend who u can easily work with..share the workload..

and such good luck learners...learning new things are wonderful..have a wonderful learning experience..
