Saturday, October 8, 2011

the 4 series - life at 40s

it was kind of funny when i visited a doctor recently for my terrible headache. the young doc told me it was due to my blood pressure..a bit at the border. he said now i'm in the 4series..emm..if i am a car, which type i should be...perhaps the BMW..

imagine i'm that sleek dark blue BMW..i would be fancied by many. when i pass by, i would be envied or received the "wow' i want to experience that/

no, thank i'm well into the 40s, i feel really great..everything is going smoothly..the children are well, the financial part is okay..job security is established. so, what to do with life at 40? i'm no enjoying a quite life..not too fancy..apart from getting fit with my aerobic sessions, i'm trying to be closer to the Almighty, i realize that after upgrading my academic qualification, i'm a bit mellow, i see things differently..extremely patient with others, i am able to see things positively, and yes, i think i already there, i've achieved the highest level of Maslow's hierarcy of needs.. i've achieved self-actualisation.

even though, nothing change in career..i can see the changes in my learning is defined as a change in learners' behaviour, i can confirm that yes, indeed i've learnt..i've learnt to be a better person, that alone should make me a humble one.


1 comment:

tonesimon said...

bila borak ngan kawan i sebut 4 series tu.... depa gelak... bagus jugak idea dr tu yea...