Saturday, October 8, 2011

adult learner

as i'm indeed an adult learner. i just received my masters degree at the age of 42. it was sweet, having received the scrol with my 3 children. when i first got my first degree, i was pregnant with my first child.

being an adult leaner is not easy. you guys need to have determination and self-motivation, and well of course self-direction. as adult leaners you need to set your own learning pace after choosing the best learning style. normally adult learners need to share with friends as you don't have time to do things on your own.
sharing is everything..find a friend who u can easily work with..share the workload..

and such good luck learners...learning new things are wonderful..have a wonderful learning experience..


1 comment:

Chekgu Azrine said...

wau.. camne leh buat blog ni.. anyway.. happy writing sis